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About Friluftslivets år 2025 - the Year of Outdoor Recreation

The Year of Outdoor Recreation aims to inspire you to discover and care for your local natural areas, invite others outside, and try new outdoor activities.

Photo: Vaffel & Film
Tre menn sitter rundt bål. En mann er i rullestol. Illustrasjonsbilder for Hele Norge båler i Friluftslivets år.
Photo: Vaffel & Film

The Year of Outdoor Recreation aims to inspire you to discover and care for your local natural areas, invite others outside, and try new outdoor activities.

Outdoor recreation is for everyone and can be experienced in the nature close to where you live. The dream is for everyone to find their own enjoyment outside. 

That can happen when we are present in nature and approach it with playfulness, curiosity, and respect—preferably together with others. In 2025, we will work together to spark excitement for an environmentally friendly form of outdoor recreation and lower the threshold for participation.

What’s happening during the Year of Outdoor Recreation?

There will be plenty of attention on outdoor recreation in 2025. We want to inspire you to use local hiking areas more often and get to know the outdoor activities you can enjoy with others.

Organizations, teams, clubs, groups, and associations across the country are ready to invite you to join their activities. These might include hiking, biking, gathering around a campfire, orienteering, paddling, foraging trips, fishing trips, and much more. Check out what’s happening near you in the activity calendar for the Year of Outdoor Recreation, and keep an eye on local newspapers, social media, and other channels.

Facts, Background, and Objectives

  • In 2025, it’s the Year of Outdoor Recreation.
  • The celebration is organized by outdoor recreation organizations, together with a wide range of volunteer groups, outdoor councils, national and local authorities, schools, businesses, and individuals.
  • Norsk Friluftsliv, the umbrella organization for the 19 major voluntary outdoor recreation organizations, owns the project and manages the planning for the year.
  • The organization represents one million memberships and nearly 5,000 clubs and associations.
  • The event is carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Climate and Environment and other relevant ministries and directorates.
  • The celebration consists of both promoting local activities across Norway and implementing national initiatives.
  • The Year of Outdoor Recreation is held every ten years and is rooted in the Government’s White Paper on Outdoor Recreation (2016).

The Year of Outdoor Recreation is created by outdoor recreation organizations, alongside a wide range of volunteers, outdoor councils, national and local authorities, schools, businesses, and individuals. It takes place every ten years and is rooted in the Government’s White Paper on Outdoor Recreation (2016). Norsk Friluftsliv, the umbrella organization for the 19 major voluntary outdoor recreation organizations in Norway, owns the project and leads its planning. This work is carried out in collaboration with, among others, the Ministry of Climate and Environment and other relevant ministries and directorates.

Outdoor recreation is Norway’s most popular leisure activity and offers something for everyone, regardless of ability or experience. At the same time, many barriers can prevent children, young people, and adults from having positive experiences in nature. In 2025, the goal is for everyone to find their own outdoor joy. Organizations and local groups that offer activities will be highlighted, making them easy to find. By joining these groups, you can become part of a community and feel confident being out in nature, which also makes it easier to explore nature on your own when you wish.

This celebration provides an opportunity to establish good, long-lasting partnerships that strengthen outdoor recreation. We are now mobilizing all positive forces in the planning phase. Stay updated by following our newsletter and website. Think about how the Year of Outdoor Recreation can enhance the work you do, and reach out to local groups, your municipality, and others to plan together.

Goals and Framework for the Year of Outdoor Recreation


Everyone should find their joy in the outdoors.


To increase awareness of outdoor recreation and boost participation across all segments of the population—resulting in a lasting impact.

Main Goal

During the Year of Outdoor Recreation, we want to spark enthusiasm for an environmentally friendly form of outdoor recreation and lower the threshold for participation.


  • Highlight the diversity and value of outdoor recreation for both individuals and society.
  • Invite people into the community of outdoor recreation, inspiring more people to try new activities and share their experiences.
  • Share knowledge about basic outdoor skills and the right of public access (allemannsretten).
  • Mobilize and collaborate so that national campaigns and local activities are well coordinated.

Main Messages

  1. Discover nature near you.
  2. Try new outdoor activities.
  3. Invite each other outside.

Primary Target Groups

  1. Children and youth
  2. Those who want to be more active in nature
  3. Those who are unfamiliar with outdoor recreation


  1. Outdoor Recreation for All
    We will work together to ensure that everyone—regardless of physical ability, financial situation, or background—can enjoy nature and all it offers.
  2. Outdoor Recreation in Your Neighborhood
    You don’t need to travel far to experience nature. We aim to inspire you to explore and care for your local green spaces, discovering the opportunities for outdoor recreation right where you live.
  3. Environmentally Friendly Outdoor Recreation
    We will enjoy nature through “leave no trace” practices, preserve natural areas for future generations, and protect the biodiversity that thrives there.
  4. Outdoor Recreation and Public Health
    Time spent outdoors benefits both our physical and mental health.
  5. Volunteerism in Outdoor Recreation
    The outdoor community is built on volunteer work. We will showcase the value of volunteering and show you how you can contribute, too.

The Year of Outdoor Recreation is brought to life by outdoor recreation organizations, along with the full range of volunteers, outdoor councils, national and local authorities, schools, kindergartens, dedicated individuals, and you.

Norsk Friluftsliv, the umbrella organization for the 19 major volunteer-based outdoor recreation organizations, owns the project and leads the planning for the year.

Outdoor Recreation Organizations in Norsk Friluftsliv

  • Den Norske Turistforening 
  • Norges Jeger- og Fiskerforbund
  • KFUK-KFUM Speiderne
  • Norges speiderforbund
  • 4H Norge
  • Forbundet KYSTEN
  • Norges Dykkerforbund
  • KRIK Kristen idrettskontakt
  • Norges Klatreforbund 
  • Norges padleforbund
  • Norges Seilforbund
  • Norges sopp- og nyttevekstforbund
  • Norges Turmarsjforbund
  • Norsk Kennel Klub
  • Norges orienteringsforbund
  • Norges Røde Kors
  • Skiforeningen
  • Skogselskapet
  • Syklistforeningen

Other Organizations 

  • Friluftsrådenes Landsforbund
  • Frivillighet Norge
  • Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon
  • Sunnaasstiftelsen    
  • Redd barna 
  • Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening
  • Naturvernforbundet
  • Pensjonistforbundet
  • La Humla Suse
  • FRIBU Frikirkens barn og unge
  • Norges bedriftsidrettsforbund

Public Partners

  • Klima- og miljødepartementet
  • Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementet
  • Miljødirektoratet
  • Alle fylkeskommuner 
  • Alle kommuner er invitert til å tilrettelegge lokalt for friluftsliv i 2025
  • Biblioteker

Other Partners

  • Gjensidigestiftelsen
  • Equipment-lending centers such as BUA, Skattkammeret (Kirkens Bymisjon), and Frilager


What can you do?

Think about how we can create environments in outdoor recreation where everyone feels at home, appreciated, and understood. Invite each other out in nature nearby. 

Do you have a role where you can bring together or reach people who work with outdoor recreation, public health, volunteer work, and inclusion? Feel free to create meeting spaces where you can establish shared goals and explore how you can reinforce your efforts, leveraging the increased attention outdoor recreation will receive in 2025.

To lower the threshold for participation and welcome more people into the outdoor recreation community, you can find tips, resources, and tools on the “Inclusion” theme page. That page is in Norwegian, but you can use your browser to translate the information in settings.